Juana Acosta premieres her new film, “Lobo Feroz”

Juana Acosta estrena Lobo Feroz

Juana Acosta premieres her new film, “Lobo Feroz”

Juana Acosta premieres her new film: Lobo Feroz, Directed by Gustavo Hernández (La Casa Muda, No dormirás)

The film tells the story of a police officer on the edge of the law and a woman in search of revenge who cross paths obsessed with discovering the murderer behind the brutal crimes of several girls. Both are willing to do whatever is necessary to obtain his confession, even if to do so they have to take justice into their own hands. A model detective will fight against the clock to prevent irreparable mistakes from being committed and from turning this desperate search for the truth into the fiercest of wolves.

Adriana Ugarte, Javier Gutiérrez and Ruben Ochandiano star in this harsh story of revenge and atrocious unsolved crimes, in which the characters move on the edge of the law. Along with them, Juana Acosta, Manu Vega and Antonio Dechent complete the main cast of the film.

Juana Acosta estrena Lobo Feroz

Juana Acosta estrena Lobo Feroz

Juana Acosta estrena Lobo Feroz