7 Años

About This Project

This drama tells the story of four friends who are also the founders and associates of a company. In the span of one night they are forced to find a solution that can save the company as well as themselves. The complicated decision they are forced to make is to decide who will be sacrificed in order to save all of them from personal and financial ruin. It is a race against the clock that puts their friendships to test. Who will assume the responsibility?

Juana Acosta. 7 Años. Roger Gual
Juana Acosta. 7 Años. Roger Gual
Juana Acosta. 7 Años. Roger Gual

Juana Acosta, Vientos de la Habana (Cine) 2016

Roger Gual
José Cabeza, Julia Fontana
Paco León, Juana Acosta, Juan Pablo Raba, Alex Brendemühl, Manuel Morón
